upcoming releases

 So, figured I'd do a little upcoming releases post here--I don't have dates for any of them, but these are the next three books I'm going to be putting out:

The Horror at Camp New Woods, which is the sequel to One More Sad Song. It takes place the summer before OMSS, and it takes... an interesting turn, genre-wise. The main character is this kid named Elliot who goes to summer camp, where he does run into the character that connects it into the Aughts Boys universe.

Spahn, which is the first in the Vendettic series--basically, this is the "Metallica Project" that I've been making vlogs on. Spahn follows up-and-coming heavy metal band Vendettic in the early 80s, when they go to play a festival at the newly rebuilt Spahn Ranch and maybe set loose an ancient evil? It's a fun time and the main character is so dumb. 

The Crucifixion of Craig Knox--get excited, guys, because this is my WM3 project. The one I wrote for NaNo a couple years back. The one I wrote 50k in four days on. That one. Oooh, I'm pumped, and you should be, too. For a better synopsis, it follows a kid who ends up getting arrested for a murder he didn't commit and oh man is it fun. 

So that's what we're looking at in the coming months. After this--releases are going to be less frequent. I mean, this is all the shit that I've rewritten already, so apart from a rapid release of a couple Pentalogy books once I get book two done, it's going to slow down a bit. 


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