so what's next?

Sunday night, I had DND. Since the whole coronavirus thing started, DND has been online, which means that it's been every Sunday instead of every other Sunday, we start an hour later, sometimes we go for longer because nobody (me) has to commute--either way, I had DND, I was all set up at my desk with my computer showing our current map, attached to Discord on my phone, one of my drawers pulled out to throw dice into.

And after the night wore down I was looking around on my computer. I was digging through some of my old project folders, because I have a lot of projects that are not Iscariot that I have written and rewritten--most notably, there's OMSS, which was my last query-project before I swapped to my WM3 project, but there's also a weird little thriller, and a weird little fantasy. And I was reread the weird little fantasy.

I'm not a fantasy fan. I'm really not. Especially not high fantasy--I just can't really get into it. And so I was re-reading this, and I was actually kind of impressed with myself and how good these characters are. Like, I might be awful with some things in this project, because I'm sure there are a million things wrong with it, but holy shit I can really fucking get down with these characters.

And so I'm thinking--

Next year, if book two in the Pentalogy of Hell isn't ready (which I'm sure it won't be! My rewrite is in the earliest earliest stages!)--Circus Wings, book one in the Tinon trilogy. Tentative release date of sometime in April? I'll keep you posted. This has never been one that I've really considered trying to get traditionally published, but Christ, I am enjoying the freedom of self-publishing.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still trying to get traditionally published. I've got my WM3 book out querying agents right now, and I'm still holding back on OMSS for a while, because while this fantasy book is pretty good with the characters, I think OMSS's main character is the strongest main character I've ever written, and I'm still looking at small horror publishers for Metallica project. But--hey. Maybe this time, if I actually, you know, have a plan and am looking forward, this time I'll have like, a decent fuckin' cover and stuff.


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