welp, here we go

So, it happened--North Dakota's shutting down for the next couple weeks. Just the schools and major events; state colleges are online for two extra weeks after spring break, public schools are taking a week off. Sports are done for the spring season. North Dakota hasn't really gotten hit yet, this is what our infograph looks like, the one on the North Dakota Department of Health Website:

So we're doing pretty good, and like, it's probably good that we're taking these preventive measures, though I'm sure that part of the reason it's not spreading is because the only time a large group of people gets together in North Dakota is for high school basketball games and the Winter Show, and the Winter Show's over and basketball's cancelled, so we're probably going to be fine.

But another fun thing about this--nobody really knows how long the colleges are going to actually be shut down for. My younger brother goes to my old school, which is a private school, so they're only taking a week off because they don't have to listen to what the state schools are saying. My boyfriend goes to the state college here in town, and so long story short, since he was going to move in over the summer anyway, we just sent in the application for adding him to the lease yesterday. Moved all of his stuff over last week, because otherwise he would have been locked out of the dorms with none of his shit.

So now we get to figure out living together? We went grocery shopping yesterday and my normal way of grocery shopping is '25$/week for one person who doesn't eat that much' and his is 'the only reason I go to the grocery store is for pop, I'm sorry, soda, like I didn't grow up in North Dakota.' But it's an interesting time. Hopefully the restaurants in NoDak don't shut down, though, because we are both employed by the same pizza place, and while I've got enough cash saved that it would be fine, I don't exactly want to dip into that.

Though if NoDak follows what the other states are doing and keeps delivery open, I mean, we deliver, and delivery is often one of the biggest things for us, especially this past week with everyone freaking out about this, and I'm counter so I do answer phones and he's driver so he does deliver, so hopefully--

We'd still have jobs, is what I'm getting at.


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