
I don't put ads on my videos.

If there's an ad on any of my videos, it's because it got copyright claimed and they put an ad on it. I don't mind this. For my videos--I mean, I'm small enough that it doesn't really matter, right? So I never bothered with the whole set-up, because it looked like more of a headache than anything else, so I figured--what the hell, I'll just not do this. Because I don't really do this for the money, at all, I do it because I have fun with it.

So COVID-19, huh.

I'm still going to work. I work at a pizza place. We deliver. I can still go to work. But uh, hours are being cut pretty harshly, because it is goddam slow with no lobby and people freaking out and no cleaning to do every night. And while I do have a decent cushion, that's like, for when my car dies and repaying my student loans and I would not like to dip into that. And while I did move in my boyfriend when the dorms shut down for the semester so he could continue to go to work (also... at the pizza place, but the bastard's a delivery driver so his hours are getting cut less), so I'll get some help on rent--

I started a ko-fi, is what I'm saying. Link's here, or it's just auroradimitre like everything else. I have also submitted a couple of books for self-publishing on Amazon--I'm not giving up on being traditionally published, don't get me wrong, these are books that I was planning on self-pubbing anyway, just dragging my feet on. I'll make a post when those are available. Paperback and kindle, though with Amazon deprioritizing books I would maybe go with the kindle unless you're like me and hate e-books.

But that'll be a thing, too.

So that's where I'm at.


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