Construction Seven to Seven

They're tearing down the public swimming pool I used to go to as a kid.

Nobody really seems to be as sad about this as I am; everyone I mention it to is like, oh, yeah, they've been wanting to do that, I heard it was kind of gross, I heard they found rats in the locker rooms, it's been closed all summer because they were going to start at the beginning of summer. Which--fair. All three of those things are true.

The locker rooms were disgusting. I wouldn't be surprised if there were rats. The pool was the epitome of an old public pool, the kind that you'd see in a movie about a run-down town with a run-down pool. Everything was blue, the paint chipping off of the walls and the floor cracked concrete. The pool area itself was split into three: a wading pool for kids, a longer pool that ran from about three feet to five feet, and a twelve-foot diving pool. There was a tube slide that went into the middle pool. There was a snack shack attached to the locker rooms where bored high schoolers would sell foot-long Laffy Taffys.

The pool is close to my college. It's right next to the hockey rink. Across the street from our fancy new basketball arena/weight room area/whatever. A couple of times over these past few weeks, I've made my way over there, climbed to the place where the grass meets the edge of the wall of what used to be Jamestown's YMCA but is now, also, swallowed up by the college's athletic department, and watch them destroy it.

The standing part of the water slide still stands, and a lot of the diving pool is still there. Everything else has been crushed.

The college will probably swallow it and turn it into something for their losing football team.


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