Beartown, Redux.

I am scared to read the sequel to Beartown.

I've already written a post about Beartown (see here), but long story short, I loved it. It is the best book I've read this year, and I am currently on record for convincing three of my coworkers to check it out, one of whom has finished and loved it and is also scared to pick up the sequel.

It's not that I think Us Against You is going to be bad. I know it'll be good. I've picked it up from the 'New' section and flipped through it, catching glimpses and tearing up and promptly putting it back. I have my own copy, a beautiful silky purple hardcover and I'm scared of what the book will do to do me.

One of my coworkers, the one that's finished it, started the sequel and had to put it back because Beartown made both of us sob and neither of us are ready for round two yet. Because Us Against You is going to be Beartown, round two, worse, better, I'll die, basically.

I also now own my own copy of Beartown, which I can re-read at any time I like, which I kind of want to do because, one hand, love these kids, on the other hand, don't want to do, because I will actually die.

So if you haven't read Beartown yet, do it. Please, for the love of God, don't let the fact that it's "about hockey" turn you away, because it's about so much more than hockey. 


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