What Makes Me Like a Book Immediately

I read a lot, and a lot of books do surprise me with how much I like them--case in point, I recently read Illuminae despite not liking science fiction, and ended up loving it--but there seems to be a type of book that always makes me interested. And it's not exactly a genre (though I have a giant soft spot for horror), it's a POV choice.

I've found myself liking teenage male POVs a lot more than anything else. This isn't just true with YA--I've recently been reading Beartown and, while I picked it up because it's about hockey (and I love hockey so, so much), it really caught me when I started learning more about the boys that made up this junior hockey team.

When I write, I tend to have a lot more male POVs than otherwise. Most of my main characters are male, and since I write YA, most of them are teenage boys. Which is.. a little bit of a weird preference of things to read about and write about but, okay, whatever.

In addition to this, I always like a book that doesn't shy away from anything. Think anything written by Michael Grant. Or Illuminae--this is maybe why I loved Illuminae so much, because it didn't shy away from the nasty stuff. I could really get behind that. The main reason why I like gory shit in books is because it shows that the author is willing to go there.

This is also why I love Stephen King, by the way. Also the fact that he's just a fantastic writer. That's also why I love Stephen King.

But my favorite book by Stephen King is The Long Walk, which is about a bunch of teenage boys walking to their death, so, make of that what you will.


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