next year's writing plans

 Well, 2023 has come and (almost) gone, and I did, again, manage to publish 6 books, so good on me for keeping that streak alive. At the end of the year I will publish my sales and which of my books did the best (spoiler alert: it was One More Sad Song), but let's talk about my writing plans for next year. 

First up, I do plan on writing first drafts in April, July, and November. I'm hoping that if I do both Camps and then NaNo, I can not like, write a million first drafts. I haven't yet decided what these first drafts are going to be but like, I'll figure that out.

Second, I do want to write between 25,000-50,000 words worth of short fiction, whether that be short stories, essays, blog posts... I do even count fanfiction in on this, because yeah, I do still write fanfic sometimes, and you can pry my AO3 username from my cold, dead hands. 

And then the novels. 

First up, I will be finishing Guillaume and Class B. They're the two holdovers from this year. Guillaume does have the second draft done and so as soon as my proof comes in, I'll be editing and retyping that up. I'm looking around for a cover for that one. I'm even thinking about doing like, ARC READERS for Guillaume, so if you're interested in a LOTF-inspired story, drop me a line. Class B isn't yet finished at the second draft stage, but I am 40k in. 

After that, the sixth Aughts Boys book, Promise Me. Promise Me is from Kevin's perspective and, chronologically, at this point, it is the last book in the series. I don't even know if I can call it "aughts" or "boys", because Kevin is in his last year of med school and it's like, in the 2010s, but, you know. 

The fourth and final Abnormal Murders book, The End. Is Justine crazy for good? We'll see. 

A Tinon novella prequel--For My Country. It's in Reko's perspective and really just about his and Kai's training and how he got involved in all the shit he got involved in. For all of us that miss Kai desperately (that's me too!), this book will be fun as hell. 

And, finally, another standalone. Kaz at the Approach. This was a NaNo book a couple years ago and I'm excited about it. It's cult-y, it's creepy, and the main character is such a bitch about everything. I love him. 

That makes six. If I do this right, I won't have holdovers to 2025. That short fiction up there--I'm slowly working my way through writing a vignette or short story about each division in Hell, and so that might be coming out next year. I have 13/80 written right now. If I get all those done, 80 Divisions will be out next year as well. That was originally the title of Iscariot, so it's kind of fun to actually have something planned with that title.

But yeah! That's the writing plans for 2024. If all goes well, I'll have two standalones, one Pentalogy book, one Aughts boys, one Abnormal Murders, and one Tinon. I don't have the sequel/companion to New Match written in the first draft yet, so it will be at least 2025 before we get New Subscriber... but I am thinking that far ahead too, to be completely real with you.

Here's to another great writing year in 2024!


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