let's look at all my spreadsheets for next year. so exciting and fun.

 A bitch loves a spreadsheet. 

By a bitch, I mean me. 

Let's take a walk through of all the spreadsheets I am desperately waiting for January 1st for, because then I can start using them. 

First up, all of the ones that will be transferred from my '2023 Spreadsheets' folder to my '2024 Spreadsheets' folder on NYE. 

'book series' is just a spreadsheet that gets sporadically updated whenever I pull a book from the book wall to read, but I haven't read/don't own the whole series. 'book wall' is a list of all of the unread books that I own. 'chores' is a list of chores that I add to my to-do list. 'creative income' has a different sheet for each year. I had the wherewithal to start it when I started self-publishing in 2020 and now it even adds everything for me like a good spreadsheet. 'every book i've read ever' is not every book I've read ever, but I did start it this year to attempt to make 'What's your favorite book?' an easier question to answer. (It's Lord of the Flies). 'games' is a list of all the games I have, PC and on my Switch and their current status. The games I have on Steam also have how long I've played them and the year they came out and all that fun stuff. 'movies' is a list of all of the physical movies I own and have not watched. 'pub credits' is a list of all of the books/short stories/articles et cetera I've published and how much I've made off of them. (It's 538.90 since 2015, but that's not counting all the royalties I've made this year.). 'shows' is like movies, but for all of the TV shows I own on DVD and also what episode I'm on.

'Book Wall Record' is where I'll put a negative or a positive number for the book wall; for example, if I read two books and receive four, I'll put a 2 for that day. It'll add up how many books I've added or taken from the book wall and maybe next year I'll actually decrease the book wall. (I did... not... this year... 2022, though! I did!)

'Books Read' is my yearly book reading tracker spreadsheet with all sorts of stats and stuff. I make a new one every year. Mostly it's the same thing over and over but I add and change things and make it better.

'Chores' is me tracking how often I do the chores on my 'chores' spreadsheet. One of these spreadsheets is going to have to add like, an exclamation point or something.

'Exercise' is me tracking how often I exercise, and what kind of exercise it is.

'French' is me tracking how often I practice my French, and what I do--is it FRench in Action? Is it working my way through a novel in French? Which novel is it? Is it just DuoLingo? What's happening?

'Journaling Tracker' is me trying to get back into journaling, because I completely fell off of that wagon this year. 

'Movies Watched' is like 'books read', but for movies, and also TV shows, and whatever else I'm watching. With stats!

'prizes' is when I decide I deserve a little prize I mostly just buy DVDs for myself and if I stick them in a spreadsheet first I won't be buying DVDs for myself constantly.

'Reading Around the World' is that challenge where you try to read a book from every country. I also added a sheet for states! Because, let's be real here, mostly I'm reading American books! 

'Savings Excel' is where I track how much money I'm saving.

'Spending Tracker' is where I track how much money I'm earning/spending over the year. 

'Weight Tracker' is where I track my weight each day.

'Writing Tracker' is the one that I didn't make! I got it from here and I used it all of this year and it's great. It's where I plan how my writing year is going to go and then see just how many words I write each year, which is ungodly.


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