upcoming releases

 I've talked about Until I Fall Away and the Aughts Boys series so often, so we're not going to talk about that much... just know that it will be the next book I publish, and it's great, honestly, I do love it with all my heart, keep an EYE out!! It's the Matt book! We love the Matt book!

Other than that, New Match is coming out... probably directly after UIFA. I have the second draft finished. I'm going to be diving deep into UIFA soon, like, today, and not leaving that world for a while, but after that, it's straight into New Match. 

So what is New Match? 

New Match is what I've been colloquially calling "the christianmingle thriller", despite the fact that it's really not a thriller, it's a slasher. Thrillers have to have some kind of mystery to them, right? These kids just keep getting murdered. Basically, it is the start of a new series--I know, I know, I JUST knocked two series off of my plate this year, just to add another--about stupid kids being dumb on the internet and getting killed about it. This one follows a group of teenagers that catfish people on a mockery of ChristianMingle as their English teacher and they all get murdered about it. 

Well, not all. But you'll have to read the book to find out. Here's an excerpt from the first chapter (keep in mind, this could change, and very likely will; it's not a final draft by far):

            “What’s your idea?” Jared asked. He ran his tongue compulsively over his teeth. He’d done that a lot in the past month. “Is it Weight Watchers?”

            “Randy, hit him,” Monica said, and Jared shied away, shrieking something about forgiveness before Randy even made a move. Alexis rolled her eyes.

            “What is it, Monica?” she asked.

            “Find My Christian Mate,” Monica said proudly.

            They all looked at her, confused.

            “Are you looking for a Christian mate?” Jane asked. “What happened to J.D.?”

            J.D. was Monica’s long-term boyfriend: since the eighth grade, at least. They were now seniors.

            “Not for me, idiot,” Monica said.

            “Damn it,” Jared said. “I was hoping J.D. was back on the market. What a hunk of man.”

            “Randy, hit him,” Monica said, and this time Randy did, cuffing him on the ear. Jared yelped. “For her.”

            Monica pointed. Mrs. Harlan sat at her desk.


So, as you can see, worst people you've ever met.

Either way,  if you'd like some slashers masquerading as Thrillers that I've written that are out, you can check out Serial Killers with Cookies--the first two books in the series are out and I've been into it, l8ly, mostly because I've been working on book three like crazy. But keep an eye out.


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