
 So, currently, at this exact moment, I don't have great access to a printer where I can totally not steal prints from one or two jobs. 

My general writing process (this does, sometimes, vary, but this is what it's been for most of my books) is as follows: First Draft --> Outline from First Draft --> Second Draft --> Print & Edit --> Retype --> Publish. So, with no access to a printer that I can not spend fifty fucking dollars or whatever to print off a double-spaced full-length novel, I decided to do something I, at risk of sounding like the Gen Z I kind of am, depending on the article you're reading, saw on TikTok. 

I ordered a proof off of Amazon. I plugged it in and ordered a proof. And despite the fact that ordering a proof meant I had to wait a few days... when it comes to the editing, I think it's not quite as satisfying as printer paper, maybe. But it is convenient that I don't have to worry about dropping it and it going absolutely everywhere. That is nice. And we'll see how it goes when it comes to type it back up. 

So that's how it's been going for me. That's what we've been doing. God, I'm so excited for Until I Fall Away to come out. It's going to be a good one. 


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