productivity and schedules and morning

 School has been out for over a week, for me, and I am happy to report that I have been productive.

I think my idea of productivity is different than someone else's might be; for me, if I'm keeping up with my hobbies, which is, mostly, reading and writing and other things therein, that counts as being productive. Of course, chores and all of that count as well. but I've been keeping myself to my schedule, so let's go through that.

First, I had to admit that I am a morning person, and I get up sometime between five and seven every day. I get up, and I have breakfast, and I've discovered that if I have a big breakfast with protein, you know, like you're supposed to, it holds me well until lunch, even when I'm eating it at five in the morning. Lately I've been real into breakfast burritos, but today I had fried eggs on toast and they were bomb so I might be switching up my eggs. Then I go for my morning walk and listen to the Last Podcast on the Left. I do like, a mile. 

Then I come back and get to work. I work until eleven, when I have lunch, and then go on my second walk of the day. I do like, 1.75 miles. 

Then I come back and work until four or five, when I have dinner. Sometimes between lunch and dinner I'll have some kind of snack or sugary thing, but I'm thinking about just adding that to a meal because I really only snack when I'm bored and I don't really need to be bored and I have a massive sweet tooth. After dinner I have my third and final walk of the day, which is like... 2.5 miles or so. Then I come home and take a cold bath, both because I really always neglect to stretch like, ever, and read for a while. And that kinda ends my day. And it's been real nice.


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