in the wake of sunset

 If you missed it, Sunset is now out, and with that, the Vendettic trilogy is over, which is all kinds of exciting. This also means that I can go back to rewrites rather than just pounding my way through edits, so this is what's happening, currently, on my "current projects" flash drive. 

Tinon #3. Still. Yes. It's almost done, though. I have like, eight chapters left + prologue, and then I can (after edits) wash my hands of the series until I... well, I do have a novella drafted, and I have a sequel trilogy planned in my head, but at the very least, for now

Aughts Boys #5. The Matt book. I've actually loved slipping back into this one. I think it's going to be a good one when it's done. I think it's already a good one. god I love this series.

New Match, or the first in what will be a duology for sure, maybe more. It's been fun writing about the most terrible teenagers that have ever existed, that's for sure. 

Guillaume! This is a love letter to the LOTF fandom of 2011, but it is not LOTF fanfiction, I swear. But I wrote about five thousand words of a first draft last year, and have decided to rewrite now, because really, my first drafts are just outlines, honestly. so i made an outline. It's fun so far. Only about a thousand words in, but it's fun. 

Plus, two first drafts, both Aughts Boys one. #14 and #15--Brodie Mohren and Jackson Falvey. Those names mean nothing to you unless you've read at least OMSS and Hit or Miss. Or if you've just read Hit or Miss, I guess. 

If I had to guess what I'd be done with next, not counting the first drafts... man. I dunno. I'm the farthest on the third Tinon book, but... we'll see. 


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