melt melt melt melt melt

 Ladies and gentlemen, spring has finally sprung, and now all we have to worry about is flooding because it's going to be sixty degrees a week after a multi-inch blizzard and some of us teach in a valley.

But it is nice. I've started going on walks again. Growing up, it was a Thing, that after every meal we ate together, we would go on a walk. Mostly this meant after-dinner walks, because that was consistently the only meal we ate together every day, but on the weekend it sometimes meant lunch walks, or even breakfast walks if it was a fancy day. So I've started going for walks these past few days after my meals. It's nice. It's so nice. It's so sunny and warm. 

Granted, it's like, forty degrees, but after several months of winter, forty degrees is like seventy. I guarantee you right now if that happiest state poll came out ND would win it again. I'm absolutely convinced that the year North Dakota was the happiest state, it was because they surveyed people right as spring was showing up. Seasonal depression has one good thing about it, and that is seasonal euphoria as soon as the damn snow stops falling.

There is still a massive amount of snow everywhere. I mean, roads are pretty much clear now, at least the paved ones, but there's a walking path in a park near my apartment. It's about a mile. I like to go walk on it when I don't feel like exploring and dodging cars because this town has no goddam sidewalks in the residential areas. 


One half of the walking path, the entrance closest to my apartment, has been plowed in. So, okay. No walking path. Turns out, though, the other side: free. Open. Clear. Oh man. So excited. 

This resulted in me having to crawl at one point because holy shit, there was three feet of snow on this path and it went up to my knees and crawling was like, the best option sometimes. When I got back I just had to lie down on the couch and recover for like an hour. Jesus Christ. 


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