aaaand coming soon...

 Today, I finished the second draft of the third and final Vendettic book. 

This will be my first series that I've truly completed; the Pentalogy of Hell did, technically finish up last year, but I have, you know, novellas and spin-offs to come. Vendettic is over. I have no plans, at all, for more of these books. 

It's a little exciting. I mean, I'm not done with it yet. I still need to edit and give it that final polish before I throw it up on Amazon, and it's not like it's going to be a big deal, because the Vendettic books are 100% my least popular series. But it's nice to be done with something. It's nice to check one series off my list, especially seeing as I'm starting another duology (? has more potential). 

For those of you that don't know, Vendettic is a trilogy of little horror novellas following a heavy metal band and so much demon shit. Like, all the time. The main character is stupid and I had a lot of fun with it. Pasted below is the first page of the first book, as well as a link to purchase if you would like:

Spahn - Vendettic #1

Chapter 1

So Niko’s been in the band for six months.

            As Vic, their vocalist, is pretty fond of muttering after gigs, he’s not as good as their old guitarist. But Niko does come with the added bonus of not beating the shit out of people when he’s drunk, which is frequently—when he’s drunk, Niko gets goofy. Niko gets fun. Niko has never broken a man’s leg. From what he can gather from KC (bass), that was what really tipped it over the edge for Vendettic firing Ben Gautier. Ben Gautier broke Sam Cusick of Ghost Story’s leg. Ben’s also fought with Vic, who does have a bitchy side, and Danny (drums), who’s small and excitable and can’t actually play the drums very well. As far as Niko knows, he never got into it with KC, which makes sense, because everyone likes KC.

            Scratch that. Everyone loves KC.

            Niko did have a band before joining up with Vendettic, but as far as anyone knows, if there’s a band in their scene that’s going anywhere, it’s Vendettic. So when he got the call to audition, he took it. Said bye to his boys and, the next thing he knew, he was moved in with Danny (Vic and KC share an apartment, too, but apparently nobody else can stand how disgusting Danny is; it’s almost like a twenty year old guy in a heavy metal band shouldn’t be allowed to try and take care of himself) and recorded a demo with them and now Danny’s talking about doing a festival.

            They’re all in Danny’s apartment, drinking with boxes of takeout scattered around them, and Danny is talking like this is the best fucking thing that could possibly happen to him. He finishes out his pitch with, “…and so, basically, us and ten other bands, in the middle of the desert, playing for a bunch of people who are crazy enough to come out into the middle of the desert to see us play, for six days.”



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