and holy shit we're back

 I' m not just talking about the internet but, yes, that too (Steven and I moved at the beginning of June and shit has been crazy), but also, well. 

We moved back to the town that I went to college in, because it's closer to our jobs (not mentioning the fact that the due date for me to get those certification tests in is growing closer and closer and man, thanks Michael at American Board because you are always saving my ass), but it's also the college I used to work at the library in. It's the library that I met my DnD friends, some of whom still work at the library (the Paladin and the Wizard; Paladin is married to DM, then we have my old psych professor who is the Cleric, her husband the Warlock/Bard, and someone... someone works with as the Rogue, to my Bardbarian. RIP other library coworkers that were Druid, her husband Ranger, and First Rogue), and it remains the job I have had for the longest amount of time. 

So, soon after we moved back, we stopped by the library. I went in, and our Paladin jokingly asked me if I needed a job. 

And I said... sure? 

So now I work at the library again! I'm super part-time, which is fine; it's mostly so I don't go crazy this summer. And I've told the assistant director that she can fill me in wherever she needs beyond my normal Monday nights & every other Saturday. 

But let's see. What else. 

Well, I did publish three books recently. Check out the Pentalogy of Hell page, because they're books 2-4 in that series. If you read Iscariot and liked it, definitely check them out. Currently, as in right now, I am working on Royal Blood, which is the second Tinon book, but who fucking knows what'll be out next. 

The book wall has been put together. Picture here.

But that's... really it? That's really it. 


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