
 Weather's actually holding out pretty nice for the good ol' NoDak right about now; it's windy as hell (woke up this morning to "lol u gonna get 70mph gusts good fucking luck" but then got to drive home with only 55mph gusts in a fucking Expedition so we're doing great) today but it was supposed to snow and it didn't. Also, it hit 50 yesterday so like, that's new. 

Let's say this again: I am sitting here on this plain where I am used to so much cold and snow and wind, and all that we are getting is the wind. It's like the universe knew I have a 45mile commute this year and decided to be nice. I mean, there's been some bitch of fog several mornings, but....like....where's the sad? 

I am so fucking confused, you guys. We've barely been in the negatives this year, and that was like, single digits negatives. We're a far cry from that polar vortex or like literally any other year when we have at least a couple days of -40 with wind chill. Because we're all open and shit and flat and whatever and the wind chill is what kills us. 

But anyway, in other news, I'm already 11 books behind on my Goodreads Reading Challenge, so I've gotta like, get on that, tho there's no way I'm hitting 525 this year. 


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