hey yo 3oh!3 has a new song

 Tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef that I'm a vegetarian and I'm not fucking scared of him--

That's 3OH!3 if you were unaware of popular music ~2009. I was in upper elementary/middle school, so of course I was very aware of 3OH!3, because everyone was absolutely loving "Don't Trust Me" and "Starstrukk" and the couple of songs that they did with Ke$ha. She still had the dollar sign back them, calm down. 

But they just came out with a new song. Below--

I will say, I am like, a little bit disappointed... there's none of the absolute word showmanship of their last album, which was legitimately in iambic pentameter in places (also, it was just fun lyricism: I got the conch, ain't no Lord of the Flies shit / It's more like you'll be catching flies on your eyelids / But I keep crashing on the rocks of the sirens / Playing murder-fuck-kill with death on a desert island) (Foreman was an English major in college). And it's not like this was new with Night Sports; take that quote that opens this post up! They've been fancy with their lyrics forever. But this one is... a little lacking in that department. 

It's fun, don't get me wrong. And Sean Foreman's voice is good. We are, though, missing really... much of anything from Nathaniel Motte? And while I feel like Sean Foreman has always been more in the foreground, I feel like in prior songs Motte had more to do. But it could just be this song--they're anticipating a new album this year. Need, which is... promising? That's a promising title. 

The thing with 3OH!3 is that they were some of the like, biggest party-rock-over-sexualized-garbage on the radio in like, again, 2009, and they had just such a likable  quality about them. This is not the first time I've written about 3OH!3; an essay I wrote can be found in the 2019 Plainsong. 

So I guess I'm just hoping that the other songs on this album are more... fun, I guess? I mean, some of their songs weren't like, super upbeat (one of my favorites, #COLORADOSUNRISE is downright depressing at points), but they were always fun. They felt a little raw, and this... doesn't. We'll see. 


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