so what's been happening?

 Not much. The answer is really not much. 

I am probably just a week or so away from publishing a novella in the Tinon universe; it'll follow Reko's POV pre-Circus Wings, so for those of us who wanted more Kai (I'm included here), here's more Kai, and not just Kai, but teenaged Kai who won't keep his mouth shut even worse than when he was an adult. After that, all I have left for the year is Kaz at the Approach, and last I checked, the rewrite of that was going well; I've just been focusing on For My Country because it's so close to being over. 

Reading-wise--I've sort of figured it out. How to read during the school year while also getting a Master's and having a more involved class than last year and all that. I've been reading more than I was the first few weeks, which is nice. Still not at top speeds, but, eh, next week we have a three-day week, so that'll be nice. 

My Master's is going well. Fall classes are easier than summer classes because the semester is not tiny. 

Otherwise... October is a book month, and I'm already up, like, thirty books, so that bodes well for me, she said sarcastically. Afterward, though, I don't have another book month until March. And after March... September. And after September... April. You see the pattern. It's the long game of killing the book wall, I promise.


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