rereading it

 If I'm speaking realistically, IT by Stephen King is one of the books I've read the most times. There have been years when I've read it three, four times in a year... if I look at Goodreads, I have read this book at least ten times. Which is a lot of times for any book, let alone a book that is roughly 1100 pages long. 

And so right now I'm re-reading it. It came up in the book wall, I was like hell yeah, it's taking me a while but it is 1100 pages long so I can take a few days on it, and goddam does it feel like home. I know these kids so, so well; so many scenes in this book are so, so good. I know a lot of people have read this book; it's obviously massively popular and the adaptations in the late 2010s obviously helped that out a lot. And like, yeah, those were great adaptations. 

I also love the 90s miniseries, to be clear. 

But this book. This book! God it's great! It's got fucking everything! Everything you would want from a horror novel! And some stuff you might not want! 


Part of this is definitely that I first read this book as a young high schooler. I loved it then. I love it now. I've loved it every time I've read it. I've never gotten sick of it. I've moved on to a lot of horror writers who are objectively speaking much better writers than Stephen King but still--Stephen King is home. And I don't think any book exemplifies that more than IT

also i gotta give it at least partial credit for my clown thing


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