nano season
So, it's the fifth of November, and for those of us who are uninitiated, that means we are five days into NaNoWriMo. This is my twelfth year doing NaNoWriMo. I have won every time, and, as the goal for the day is 8,333, and my total is over 14,000, I think it's safe to say that this year will be another success.
Even though I'm doing a Tinon book. I chose this. I did my randomizing thing and it gave me an Aughts Boys book and I was like, nah, I'm doing Tinon. Who AM I???
My one problem is that I mostly want to work on Guillaume. It's all i want to do, is write Guillaume. It's one that I feel like, this is the one! This is it! This Lord of the Flies homage! Or, rather, homage to the Lord of the Flies fandom of like 2011!
I love it so much. Guillaume has three parts; or, it will: I'm on part two. Part one is over, part two is island shit, and I have the POV settled for that part, and part three will probably be the shortest but still a good time, and it's all I want to work on. It's it. Just Guillaume. It's becoming an actual problem.
This is the one.
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