end of the year bay-beeeeee

 Well, it's been a while since I've actually written a blog post, because... hell if I know, I'm just not as structured as I used to be. Or I'm structured in different ways. I don't know. But it is just a couple days away from the end of 2021 so I figured I'd wrap it all up.

In terms of what I did this year, the answer is actually quite a bit. In some weird twist of something, I read 333 books this year. And I've got a few days left, so I might hit 340 or something. This is my highest reading year to date, beating out my previous high of 240 in 2015. Now that I've looked that up I definitely want to hit 340 just so that I can be 100 higher than my last time. 

Uh, it's currently -20 outside and we got like three feet of snow over the weekend + also today so that's fun, and I've discovered another use for masks, it's called, I don't have a scarf and hey, this is actually better than a scarf when I have to walk to the Neighborhood Grocery & Gas because my car, which is ideally bought for this weather, is blocked in a crappy little apartment alleyway parking lot, and they didn't even have fucking milk, so I left with hot dogs, hot dog buns, Gushers, Brisk iced teas, an an energy drink. 

Writing-wise, I did publish... seven books this year, so I'm roughly going at the same rate as last year. This year it was books 2-4 in the Pentalogy of Hell: Forty Days, Lake of Fire, and The False Prophet. Expect book 5, Son of Perdition, soon-ish? I'm guessing next year. I've been really into the POV I'm working on for that one right now and so I've been thinking about it a lot. Also published book 2 in Vendettic: Sacrifice. And three unaffiliated books: Life in Anachronism, Beyr (which might as well be a POH book), and Carl & Jimmy. Upcoming, like I said, book 5 in POH but also Like Hell, which I briefly thought I would have finished before the year's end. 

Also, just because I like it, here's my earnings for each book this year. Doesn't count KU stuff, also not technically complete: 

15. Carl & Jimmy --00.35$

Granted, this book came out like... a week and a half ago. Very true crime-y. Quite blasphemous. Semi-based, and by that I mean very based, on Carl Panzram.

14. Beyr --02.04$

Again, pretty new. If you read the Pentalogy of Hell and were like, man, I want to learn more about the kid in Division 80 who says 'fuck' every other word, this is the book for you.

13. Life in Anachronism -- 02.62$

Also from this year. This is just a bunch of short stories and essays, and really, when it comes to online publications, my essays have always been more accepted than anything else, so go and check out those essays. They're actually pretty good.

12. The Horror at Camp New Woods -- 02.62$

This one is from last year, so it's a little sad it's so far down on the list. Uh, technically the second Aughts Boys book but you don't have to read the first one to read this one. It's only an Aughts Boys book because Matt is there. YA slasher, fun time, pretty gory.

11. Circus Wings -- 02.98$

My foray into fantasy! Also from last year. I will say, it hasn't been very popular, but those who have read it have liked it, and everyone loves Kai, so I do think it's worth a shot.

10. One More Sad Song --04.51$

Zeke, my dumbass extraordinaire. This is the first Aughts Boys book. I really like it. I really like Zeke. I think it's got heart. Little sad it's not more popular, because I do think it's one of the best things I've ever written.

9. Lake of Fire -- 05.16$

Book three in the Pentalogy of Hell! Published this year, available in hardcover and paperback. Features a Casey POV, because we need more of that guy that says 'fuck' every other word.

8. The False Prophet --05.36$

Book four in the Pentalogy of Hell! I think I only made more on this one because it's shorter and I make more per copy? Either that or someone just decided they didn't care to read book 3.

7. Spahn -- 05.73$

Book one in Vendettic! Heavy metal! Demon shit! Hints of enemies-to-lovers!

6. Forty Days -- 06.67

Second book in Pentalogy of Hell, and possibly the best one in the series, if only for one thing: Allan Carson.

5. The Crucifixion of Craig Knox  -- 08.65

The best thing I've ever written, so I'm a little sad it's not no. 1, but at least it broke top 5. If you're mad about the West Memphis Three, read this and be... more... mad. This is just The West Memphis Three fictionalized. But DNA testing might be happening now! Is happening! West Memphis PD lied!

4. Columbiner -- 08.90$

I am constantly baffled by the popularity of Columbiner. It's about a school shooting. Also has one piece of fanart! I love fanart.

3. Sacrifice  -- 09.09$

Second book in Vendettic! More demon shit!

2. Serial Killers with Cookies -- 09.36$

Book one in Abnormal Murders! Antihero main female character! Actually I think everyone's an antihero in this one, Justine just starts to really enjoy murder a little too much.

1. Iscariot -- $11.13

And the first book in Pentalogy remains my most popular book! Which is... kind of surprising, I think, considering the formatting for the paperback is godawful. I fixed it for the hardcover. but If you like kids going to Hell this is the Book For You.


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