
I have news that is, perhaps, probably technically good, but is also, honestly, a little sad. That news is that I am ~no longer technically unemployed~, which is like, I  mean, rent, okay, it's good. But also like, now I have to like. Go to a workplace and while my extroverted nature is really really happy at not having to keep myself company all day every day (it is a struggle to go to bed after getting home from work, because I mean, I've worked close the two days I've been working which ends at like 10:30, and I'm just H Y P E D), I just.

The thing is, while I've been ~technically unemployed~ I've been keeping myself busy. I have my to-do list, I have all my writing, and all that other shit I do. Guitar, videos, French, three and a half hours' worth of wandering around town. And like, while I'm cutting the walking for days that I work, I'm still working my way through as much of my to-do list as I can.

So I'm working at a local pizza place and it is, swear to God, not helping with my 'what decade is it' problem, because this place is the actual most archaic place in the world. I have a timecard. It doesn't punch out time, it does like, stamp it. We write out the tickets. The till adds but doesn't make change. The building is so fucking old. I kind of love it. I do kind of love this about it. It is also very chill I think because it is locally owned, and I'm liking all of my coworkers, though I forgot about that weird phenomenon where 75% of people who work at pizza places are dudes. Which I'm not upset about, I get along fine with dudes, I just forgot about it. And there are some characters.

Overall though, yeah. ~Technically employed~ now. The two-and-a-half-week vacation is over.


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