cost of living

I think I've mentioned it a couple of times on a couple of different platforms, probably here at least in passing as a joke, but I'm, uh, ~technically unemployed, currently~. I've started calling myself a freelancer because like, technically I've got a check coming for something I wrote and that makes me less sad even though I have been applying to all the gas stations in my local area for a fucking job, obviously.

The reason I'm not more freaked out about this is because I do have a good chunk of savings. All hail college Aurora for somehow having the foresight to save most of her library paychecks, because goddam. I've got enough in savings to, if I was smart, make it through winter without any other income (which I obviously don't want to have to do), and if I'm realistic, and know myself and my eBaying habits, take me through the next couple of months pretty easy.

Obviously yes, I am looking for a job.  I've been ~technically--er, a ~freelancer~ for about two weeks now, and I've applied for a number of jobs. The first week I was a little picky. Right now I am not being picky. But you may be asking, Aurora, you have a two bedroom apartment and a pretty stupid eBay habit. How much fucking money do you have?

It's not actually like, all that much. What I do have, though, is one major advantage, and that is that I live in fucking North Dakota.

Everyone's read that article by now about that woman who blew her fucking massive advance on moving to New York City and expensive cocktails and whatever. All I'm saying is, you could live for like, the rest of fucking forever in small-town North Dakota on that. And while I do spend a, uh, embarrassing amount of money on eBay (I'm pretty sure I've spent more money on eBay than food... since moving out of my parent's house, but it's fine, that's fine, I think the takeaway here is not to spend less money on eBay but that I am very thrifty with my grocery budget!), I don't have any streaming services. My monthly payments are: rent, electricity, internet, phone, student loans, and, uh, the Metalhead Box. I'm one person, so I spend 25$/week on groceries. I don't go out to eat unless someone else is paying, thank-you-very-much.

I'm sure there is privilege somewhere in there--definitely, I guess, the fact that I went to college is a privilege, even though I got an English degree and have yet to fucking use it, and yes, after federal loans and work study and scholarships were taken out, my parents did pick up the extra grand or so on my bill every semester. Which was super fucking cool of them. But I am also saying that--the reason I have money right now is because I saved it. The reason I was able to move out of my parent's house just a couple of weeks after I graduated college is because I'd saved up, somehow, ten thousand dollars during my last couple years of college. The library didn't fucking pay that well, I just wasn't stupid with my money.

But yeah, I'm. Looking for a job. Subway please I'm begging you.


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