holy shit, i understand my brother now

So, my brother is way into fitness. At least he was the last time I talked to him. He talks a lot about protein and he lifts a lot and everything like that. And like, I like going for walks and I'm not overweight? But I abuse caffeine like a motherfucker and mostly live off of TV dinners.

Recently I've started like, doing pushups and situps in-between each thing on my to-do list. I also take really long walks after each meal because, you know, unemployed, gotta spend the time somehow and also I want to take advantage of the weather before it turns to shit. And I've built myself up to 7-pushups-in-a-row (real pushups, probably with the worst form imaginable), 25-situps, also a couple of other things like I'm trying to learn how to do a handstand? Apologies to the people who live underneath me.

But the thing is--just with this, which, granted, can add up, I did like 70 pushups yesterday and 200 situps, so like, that adds up, I've got... I'm... I have muscle? It's not like anything major, or majorly defined, or anything, but like, my upper arm is not soft anymore and this morning before I got in the shower I saw the outline of my abdominal muscle.

Like, what the fuck.

I'm doing this because I'm bored. I understand how people in prison get buff, what the fuck.

And you know, I'm probably not going to change my diet because, you know, twenty-two, unemployed, young enough to get away with eating almost exclusively TV dinners and summer sausage, but it makes you think, you know, what I could do if I like. Ate. Healthy. Because if a couple push-ups and summer sausage does this--

Like, man. I understand my brother now, it's kind of addictive. and makes my tattoos look good.


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