did not expect these guys to become one of my favorites

Okay, so we all know that Metallica and Guns'n'Roses are my favorite bands, like it's 1993 and I'm a 14 year old boy or something, but after them, you know, it's the general, Megadeth, Quiet Riot, and... W.A.S.P.?  

I wasn't expecting W.A.S.P. to become one of my favorite bands. I mean, I liked "I Wanna Be Somebody" enough to decide that I needed to buy up some tapes off of eBay, and like, the ReIdolized shit is so good that if I start the album from the beginning I have to listen to the whole thing, straight through, no shuffles no skips, if one of the songs comes up out of the blue I can just listen to that one, like, I've got "Miss You" on a couple of playlists and--

Oh fuck W.A.S.P. is one of my favorite bands?

It makes me sad, honestly, that my Walkman broke before I got a chance to listen to any of those new W.A.S.P. tapes. I didn't even get around to the one with "I Wanna Be Somebody" on it; I was too enamored with Appetite for Destruction and I brushed over pretty much everything else I'd gotten. And then I didn't have a working Walkman anymore. I'm about 99% sure that one of the packages in next month's eBay unboxing pile is a Walkman, but it's not time for my October eBay unboxing so it sits.

I'm also pretty sure that a set of belts so that I can, you know, repair these fuckers instead of just buying a new one every time I have a problem, is also sitting in that eBay pile but, you know. You know. By this time next month I'll be able to listen to my tapes again. Just in time for winter, right? But even in winter I can listen in my apartment, it's just that walks aren't exactly feasible, and let me tell you, there have been. Several times when I've just wanted to listen to some tapes at like ten at night, so.


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