tbr 8.11.20


So I decided to take some books out of the Book Wall last night, and I fucked up, because I do not remember ever having this many out at once, but me taking 25 out means that I probably won't have to fuck with it for a while now, so, there's that at least? Anyway, TBR time!

Goodnight Punpun 03 by Inio Asano
This is, without a doubt, my favorite manga series. Have I technically read the whole thing online? Yes. But that doesn't mean I don't need a re-read in print, because this series is honestly the most fucked up thing I have ever read, and it is fantastic, and I love it. 

April Showers by VC Andrews
It's been a while since I've read a VC Andrews, I guess? The last one was, I think, that Landry book, and I read that one a long time ago. I need more incest in my life, damn it! 

The Scar Boys by Len Vlahos
This is a book that I picked up from the library book sale room... I don't think when I still worked there, I think I may have actually paid for this one. Anyway, this is one that I kept trying to put on displays while I was there, but nobody ever wanted to check it out, so whatever, I'll just give it a loving home until I read it and decide it's not good enough to keep. 

So What! by Steffan Chirazi
This is a compilation of a bunch of stuff from the So What! magazine, so, to put it simply: it's a Metallica book. 

Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great by Judy Blume
I was under the impression that this book was Starring Sally J Friedman as Herself until I pulled it out of the Wall. It's one the random number generator gave me. I wish it was Starring Sally J Friedman as Herself

The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherine M Valenti 
I won like, the first three books in this series in a giveaway years ago, read the first book, liked it, and promptly forgot about the other two, so I guess it's time to continue this series? I remember enjoying the first one, at the very least. 

Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire
Baudelaire is the most 'is this an emo song from the mid-2000s' or a poet from the 19th century guy in the world. I can't wait to read about corpses. I don't think I've ever read this man in English. 

The Children by Charles Robertson
The amount of bullshit I had to go through to figure out who wrote this book without taking down the stack, I swear

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
Have I read an Ellen Hopkins book that I thought was good yet? No. Do I still think that they are fun and do I have a number of them in the book wall? Yes. This one's about sex trafficking. 

If It Bleeds by Stephen King
Never mind the fact that I haven't read, like, Gerald's Game yet, I need to read the newest Stephen King book! Duh! 

The Shining by Stephen King
I also need to re-read an older Stephen King book that I think I've only read, like, two times, to be fair. 

I Have a Bad Feeling About This by Jeff Strand
I wrote a fun campy horror novel set at a camp a few years ago, and I remember when this got withdrawn, I looked at the back and was like, huh, this reminds me of that fun campy horror novel I wrote a few years ago. That book comes out February 2022, by the way. 

Sealed with a Diss by Lisi Harrison
I've given up on reading these in order. If I'm going to read them, I don't deserve coherency. 

Last Book on the Left by Marcus Parks, Ben Kissel, and Henry Zebrowski
Have I mentioned how much I love these guys? Or that I got a signed copy? I actually don't think I mentioned the second part, except in a book haul I haven't even edited yet, but I love these guys, and I got a signed copy.

Tietam Brown by Mick Foley
This looks like a fun, off-beat novel written by a retired wrestler, so that's super fun. I think somehow, I also have his memoir? I've never been into wrestling, so I don't know why, but I do

The Devouring by Simon Holt
I remember seeing this one around way back when, like when I was in high school, took it from the book sale room, never read it. YA horror, I think.

Why Does the Cat Do That? by Susan Bonners
I don't know. It's a picture book. It will take me two minutes to read.

Leverage by Joshua C Cohen
This is another one of those ones that I tried to put on displays like, all the time, but nobody ever took it and it ended up getting weeded anyway. This happened a lot when I was at the library. I took most of them home.

Rebel Girls by Elizabeth Keenan
This was an arc I won from Goodreads! I was super excited about it because it takes place in like, the nineties I think. I put it in the Book Wall and promptly forgot about it.

Guns'n'Roses: The Most Dangerous Band in the World by Mick Wall
Axl Rose definitely hates this book.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
This is a tiny old hardcover of Frankenstein that I will protect with my life. Of course I've read Frankenstein before, just not this exact copy.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M Pirsig
My dad has been trying to get me to read this book for years. It's my dad's favorite book. I guess, fine, Dad, I'll read it.

Iscariot by Aurora Dimitre
Are you saying I can't read my own book? I re-read these guys over and over on my computer, I might as well get the Goodreads credit for it. 

Becoming Superman by J Michael Straczynski
Another Goodreads win.

Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell
I am hoping for some good domestic thriller-y action. If not, no great loss, I bought it at Goodwill. 

So that's what we've got for the next... while, I would say. Couple months, maybe, unless I suddenly get extremely productive when it comes to tearing through books, but seeing as I am currently re-reading The Stand, I'm not sure how fast I'm gonna get these done. My dice and other DnD stuff are trapped behind this stack of books, and the party's meeting on Sunday. 


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