
 So, I started watching The Bold Type yesterday. 

This is mostly because I keep getting clips of it recommended on my Facebook video feed, and they're pretty entertaining, and it's on Hulu, which Steven steals from his friend Doug, and Steven worked last night so I was pretty much just hanging, you know, so I watched a few movies. 

And my god did it remind me how much I missed being around other women. 

Don't get me wrong. I love Steven. Steven is my favorite person. Steven is what you think of when you think of a 22-year-old white dude. He plays a lot of video games and lives off of Mountain Dew and Burger King. He's a fantastic guy, he's very sweet and like, he's not stupid but he's a little dumb, like in the cute way, but he is so much of a dude that I don't realize it until I watch something with female characters in it. This isn't normally like, a problem, or even at all--I'm pretty much a dude half of the time anyway. I mean, obviously we get along, we're dating and live together. 

But wow do I miss other women. 

I quit the Pizza Corner on July 16th. It's been almost a month. Every so often, I'll see like, my mom, and I am at the age where seeing my mom is more cool than lame, but holy shit, last night I watched this show that has this really fun female friendship and I miss other women so much. 

I think I also miss having people around that aren't like, the person I'm dating but you know. 

We had our first day of in-service today, and while it is weird to be back in the high school that I went to high school at, and while there are a few people that I did have (the social studies teacher is the only one in the high school, at least), it's not as weird as I thought it would be. Most of these people I only heard about secondhand, you know, and the new science teacher is a younger woman, also a first-year teacher, so that's nice, it's just--

I mean, I know that everything's still really unsteady. And during in-service today, we were talking about how a single case would pretty much knock this tiny school to distance learning for a full two weeks. But God is it nice to be around people again. I passed pretty much socially unscathed through the first part, because I was working at a pizza place that stayed open the whole damn time, but this last month as been something else. 


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