out now: circus wings


The kings and queens of Tinon used to be great.

These are the words that Alessandra Vasilei, newly appointed heir to the throne, has soaked up her entire life. She's read stories of them going into battle, saving their countries, and doing more than sitting around in the palace. But it's peaceful now, and there are no battles to be won--so when she's crowned heir to the throne over her twin sister, Alessandra needs to find a different way to prove her worth, and she finds it in the circus, and the poor treatment of 'Birdies'--human-like bird people used for entertainment.

Enter Kai, Alessandra's less-than-traditional guard. If there's anyone that can sneak her out of the palace, it's him. But when the two get separated upon escaping the palace, Alessandra will need to find the circus and rescue the Birdies herself, and, maybe, find herself worthy of the crown.


What's fun about this book is that it's the 'environmentally-conscious lesbian princess' book, with, yes, an awful cover. I'm thinking we're going to run about half and half when it comes to 'Aurora's books have awful covers' or not--I did commission a cover for the next book I have coming out--but either way.

This is a fun one. It is a short one. It is another beginning of a series. That's fine. That's all fine. I promise I will not just abandon these billion and six series that I am starting. I have them all written out at least once. 

But anyway, links, if you are so inclined: 


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