cover reveal + coming soon: one more sad song

 AUGUST 24, 2004

            His brother is at college, the weatherman’s predicting good weather well into next week, and Zeke’s had the new Taking Back Sunday album pounding out of his Discman for the past month—almost perfect, almost so perfect that he almost doesn’t care school’s starting up again on Monday. He’s got his music, he’s got a good forecast for his board, and he’s got pretty much the sole attention (at least, the attention that’s not being taken up by Keanu Reeves movies and conspiracy theories) of his best friend and unknowing love of his life, Kevin.

            At least, until he doesn’t. Whether it’s the fact that Kevin grew three inches over the summer or his FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE t-shirt, Kevin’s landed the girl of his dreams, who just so happens to be a colossal bitch. And just like that, Zeke’s goes from spending ninety-nine percent of his time with Kevin to spending twenty-five percent of his time with Kevin—and no matter how much Ashton, the cute hockey forward, keeps bugging him, Kevin is Zeke’s only friend. So Zeke decides to do something about it. He decides to break Kevin and his girlfriend up. Then everything’s got to go back to normal, right?


So, Zeke Williams is just about the stupidest main character that I've ever written. I love him so goddam much, and he is also, I think, one of the best main characters I've ever written. I'm excited for this book. I'm excited for you guys to read this book. It's coming out soon--within the next few months. I don't have an exact release date, but like: soon. 

Aaand so I'd like to reveal the cover! This was done by Paris St Mercury at mobtropolis on Instagram, and I think he did a damn good job. 


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