
Showing posts from August, 2020

May Vlog | 2020


Unhaul #1 | 2020


cover reveal + coming soon: one more sad song

  AUGUST 24, 2004             His brother is at college, the weathermanā€™s predicting good weather well into next week, and Zekeā€™s had the new Taking Back Sunday album pounding out of his Discman for the past monthā€”almost perfect, almost so perfect that he almost doesnā€™t care schoolā€™s starting up again on Monday. Heā€™s got his music, heā€™s got a good forecast for his board, and heā€™s got pretty much the sole attention (at least, the attention thatā€™s not being taken up by Keanu Reeves movies and conspiracy theories) of his best friend and unknowing love of his life, Kevin.             At least, until he doesnā€™t. Whether itā€™s the fact that Kevin grew three inches over the summer or his FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE t-shirt, Kevinā€™s landed the girl of his dreams, who just so happens to be a colossal bitch. And just like that, Zekeā€™s goes from spending ninety-nine percent of his ...

MEDDLING KIDS by Edgar Cantero | Book Review


out now: circus wings

  The kings and queens of Tinon used to be great. These are the words that Alessandra Vasilei, newly appointed heir to the throne, has soaked up her entire life. She's read stories of them going into battle, saving their countries, and doing more than sitting around in the palace. But it's peaceful now, and there are no battles to be won--so when she's crowned heir to the throne over her twin sister, Alessandra needs to find a different way to prove her worth, and she finds it in the circus, and the poor treatment of 'Birdies'--human-like bird people used for entertainment. Enter Kai, Alessandra's less-than-traditional guard. If there's anyone that can sneak her out of the palace, it's him. But when the two get separated upon escaping the palace, Alessandra will need to find the circus and rescue the Birdies herself, and, maybe, find herself worthy of the crown. o What's fun about this book is that it's the 'environmentally-conscious lesbian ...

April Vlog | 2020


Book Haul #1 | 2020


let's talk about my new job

 If you've been paying attention, you'll realize that, hey, Aurora doesn't work at the Pizza Corner anymore. Now she works at... a... school?  Yeah, so I'm teaching this year? We had our first day of school yesterday, but we had our first real day today; pretty much, yesterday, that was just... well, the principal has to quarantine until the end of the week, so his talks were transferred to us showing videos to our classes, which were roughly half the time the time he had allotted for them, so pretty much, everyone got to do what they wanted.  And it kind of made me question, last night, whether I'd made the right decision. I mean, I don't technically have a license yet. I have an Alternate License, which means, basically, I have an English degree and nobody else wanted to work there and they needed an English teacher and I promise I'll get a real license. So I'm already coming in behind. My first time in a classroom in any capacity beyond student was ye...

Let's Talk the Dukes of Hazzard


scheduling or just 'whatever'

 I forget which author it was, because I do follow quite a few self-published authors on Twitter, but, to make a long story short, I saw her tweet that she'd finished a book and now it was available to purchase on Amazon, and that really just got me thinking. Apart from the fact that there will be a very quick release these next few months, followed by, probably, a much longer waiting period--why should I wait? This is fun, because I went from one book a year, to three, to ' we're just doing whatever we want' because 'Aurora' and 'self-control' are not really words that go together a lot of the time, so-- We're just doing whatever we want? Pretty much, keep an eye out for these books in the future: CIRCUS WINGS, the first in a fantasy trilogy about a lesbian princess with an environmental kick, ONE MORE SAD SONG, the first in a collection of companion novels about a kid who really is only concerned with skateboarding and also doubles as the stupidest...

Metalhead Box Unboxing | February 2020



 So, I started watching The Bold Type yesterday.  This is mostly because I keep getting clips of it recommended on my Facebook video feed, and they're pretty entertaining, and it's on Hulu, which Steven steals from his friend Doug, and Steven worked last night so I was pretty much just hanging, you know, so I watched a few movies.  And my god did it remind me how much I missed being around other women.  Don't get me wrong. I love Steven. Steven is my favorite person. Steven is what you think of when you think of a 22-year-old white dude. He plays a lot of video games and lives off of Mountain Dew and Burger King. He's a fantastic guy, he's very sweet and like, he's not stupid but he's a little dumb, like in the cute way, but he is so much of a dude that I don't realize it until I watch something with female characters in it. This isn't normally like, a problem, or even at all--I'm pretty much a dude half of the time anyway. I mean, obviously we g...

Reading Wrap-Up | Books 66-70


tbr 8.11.20

  So I decided to take some books out of the Book Wall last night, and I fucked up, because I do not remember ever having this many out at once, but me taking 25 out means that I probably won't have to fuck with it for a while now, so, there's that at least? Anyway, TBR time! Goodnight Punpun 03 by Inio Asano This is, without a doubt, my favorite manga series. Have I technically read the whole thing online? Yes. But that doesn't mean I don't need a re-read in print, because this series is honestly the most fucked up thing I have ever read, and it is fantastic, and I love it.  April Showers by VC Andrews It's been a while since I've read a VC Andrews, I guess? The last one was, I think, that Landry book, and I read that one a long time ago. I need more incest in my life, damn it!  The Scar Boys by Len Vlahos This is a book that I picked up from the library book sale room... I don't think when I still worked there, I think I may have actually paid for this one...

Let's Talk Lips Burn Caustic


Metalhead Box | January 2020 Unboxing


starting a million series

If you've been keeping up with my self-publishing posts, and the steadily growing number of pages at the top of the blog, you will have noticed that, uh, I sure am starting a lot of series. Like, at the moment it's looking like... three? (Spoiler alert, going up to the end of what I have planned out for my self-publishing, which is... summer of 2022, currently, is what I have rewritten books for, it's five) But the thing is, all of these series have been finished. I mean, first draft wise. I mean, yeah, I'm currently working on book twos for all of them, for Pentalogy , for the SKWC one, for Tinon , which I have not announced but does have a goodreads page and a description up. These are all super different series, and they're all super different vibes. I mean, something for everyone. I think we just really need to understand just how many first drafts and projects I have written out at least once. This is what my 'ORIGINAL WORK' folder looks like: Just to b...

Reading Wrap-Up | Books 61-65


links & all that

So, the paperback for Serial Killers with Cookies has been approved , and so has the kindle pre-order , so those are both available. Totally understand if you want to wait for the kindle version--that one, like every other Kindle book I ever put out, is going to be .99, because I just really don't see the point in pricing them higher. But the paperback is 15.00, if you are so inclined to purchase that one.  I do really enjoy these characters. They haven't been around as long in my head as the Pentalogy kids, but I do think that Justine, as a main character, is me writing the kind of female main character that I love--pragmatic and willing to do things that are maybe a little less than legal to reach her goals. Side characters, too, are fun; Adam is sulky and irritated, most of the time, and Lisa is my 'bubbly won't stop talking' character that usually ends up being a dude, but this time Lisa took that one.  And again, a series. I know, I know. Do know, though, that ...

EVERYTHING'S EVENTUAL by Stephen King | Book Review


Serial Killers with Cookies Cover + Chapter One + Release Date

So there it is! The cover was done by the lovely Zahra Qaiser over at , so go and check out her stuff, she's fantastic^^  I've also decided that I'm just saying, what the hell, I'm publishing the paperback right now. Woo, right now! Let's go! Kindle will be available on October 13th, as was formerly decided for this book, but, yeah, paperback should be available in a few days. Kindle pre-order should be up soon as well. Anyway, first chapter under the cut!