wow guess what the future is scary and i hate winter

It's the end of February. Almost March. I mean, I know it's still winter, and while I was at first romanced by the temperatures in the positives (POSITIVES!! IT'S SIXTEEN DEGREES ABOVE ZERO RIGHT NOW!!), I'm looking forward at the stupid forecast and we're supposed to get negative again next week. And I gotta say, seasonal depression's a bitch, because I just feel this raw feeling of hatred and despair clawing its way around my chest. Like it's two days--next Monday and next Saturday, and the forecast could change, it already has since the last time I checked it, but March 2nd is no the time for negative fourteen degrees, I'm sorry NoDak, you bitch.

We got an e-mail this morning about graduation. Graduating seniors did, I mean. I'm graduating college this year. So that's a thing. I think I'm pretty much done with college, though I've been doing weirdly good this year for not giving a shit about any of my classes (I really don't need most of them). I couldn't sleep last night so I pulled out all the stops at two in the morning and put on some LPOTL (nothing luring you to sleep better than Marcus Parks talking about Jonestown, I guess?) and took a shot of NyQuil and turned off my alarm because sleep is more important than the philosophy class I don't like and don't need (because seriously, fuck Descartes, I don't believe in God and I don't like math, I was never gonna like him). So I skipped that class this morning. Woke up in time for French, and learned that I could no longer comprehend French, not even at the base level I was at before. Dunno if that was to do with the NyQuil or the tired or what.

I don't want to do anything right now. Last night my Poetry class was great. I got so fuckin pumped about memorizing poems, man. I love that class. I don't even write poetry and I love that class--well, I write poetry for that class, but that's the only time I ever write poetry. I think that's it, man. All I want to do right now is write because that's all I ever want to do, which I guess is better than not wanting to write but it's getting old.


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