it's not serious

I'm taking a poetry class right now, like poetry-writing, and I am not a poet. The only time I ever write poetry is for when I take this class (it's my second time around), and like most of my general personality and feelings, most of the poetry I write is not serious. My first poem this time around was about powdered soup. Like, Lipton powdered soup.

Last time I took this class, I remember writing this one poem that I thought was kind of serious but apparently was not, and so this time around for my ballad, when I did write a serious one, I was a little bit leery. Because while with that one, while I wasn't meaning it to be funny, I could take it. Like, it was supposed to be serious but if I made you laugh I made you laugh and that's pretty all right.

But this one.

So I was nervous. And naturally my professor had us go alphabetically, and I am cursed alphabetically, so I was first. So I read it. Ballad, six stanzas, put it down, and nobody laughed this time.

So that was pretty neat.


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