see what happens when i go home

So, I do hate driving in the winter, which really does suck when you live in North Dakota, as the year is 75% winter (I'm exaggerating, but I'm not exaggerating when I say 50% winter). So, while I'm in college, I don't go home all that often. But I keep this box of shit I need to take home, and the box was full, so I decided to head home last weekend.

And promptly was snowed in. I missed all my classes yesterday, because I didn't get back into town until about noon. The rural school my little sister goes to/parents teach at had to cancel because a) two of the bus drivers were stuck in their yards, b) nobody could get out of one of the tiny towns the school leeches kids from, and c) my dad, the high school principal, tried to plow our road and his plow got stuck. The highways and everything were fine, it was just all those tiny gravel roads that just filled the fuck up.

It's the end of February right now, so like, it's still winter, but it's at the point where we should really start wrapping this shit up, you know? Like, okay, my standards for  'not winter' are more like 'not have the highs in the negatives' at  this point, but even THOSE extremely low standards are not being met. The highs this Saturday and Sunday are, as the weatherman on the radio said, "going back to arctic weather!" and he sounded too cheery about it and it pissed me off.

It's halfway through the semester. That might seem early, and it is kind of early, but we started early. Maybe that's why it feels like winter's been going on for forever. Because Spring Break is normally, even if it's snowy, you know, it's above zero. It might be in the twenties. Teens, even. I'd take the teens. I mean, I would also take the not-below-zero.

I know all I talk about lately is the fact that winter sucks and I'm mad and winter sucks and I hate it and fuck winter fuck winter fuck winter. But like. Like that's what's up right now. And it's the most North Dakotan thing about me, man--I can and will have a legitimate conversation about the weather. It's not small-talk when it's this shit.


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