well oh boy

 Let's just say that there's a lot going on right now.

Let's start with the obvious. US Election. We're kinda sitting here, staring at Georgia, willing Nevada to just finish it, maybe giving PA a couple of weird side-glances every so often, too, everyone with baited breath. Major news sources cut off Trump's press conference. Anderson Cooper called him an obese turtle? Vivid imagery, man.  

In other news, uh, NaNoWriMo. I'm ahead because of who I am as a person, yesterday I wrote shit and today I... might write more? We'll see. Weekend's coming up so I should be able to jump forward there, and--

We're going distance again, for my school... our distance learning plan had, "if it turns orange, go distance" in it, and the county went orange, so we're distance. I don't know how for long--whether they'll change the stipulations of the learning plan, if we'll just do this for the rest of the year... worse for kids' learning; I have a junior who walked into his seventh hour English class, threw his mask on the desk and proclaimed that he was going to fail every class, so that's what we're working with. 

I also published another book recently? The Horror at Camp New Woods, out now. Should have two more out before the end of the year. Please consider buying my books, would make me happy.


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