tbr 11.12.2020


NGL, this one scares me a little

Flygirl by Sherri L Smith
This is one that I actually read as a kid! I went to this library book club in the summer when I was in middle school and this was one of the books we read. I remember it being pretty good? We'll see!

Yours for Eternity by Damien Echols & Lorri Davis
Okay, so I said I'd read Damien Echols's grocery lists, I might as well suck it up and read his love letters to his wife when he was on death row, even though the front of this book is like, a little creepily stained. I got it secondhand. Not a fan.

The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
because why the fuck not

172 Hours on the Moon by Johann Harstad
This is one that I've had for a while, been interested in for longer? IDK, it's always looked pretty vaguely interesting. Supposed to be scary.

The Chestnut Man by Scandinavian Author Man
I've heard this is supposed to be gory. I'm down for that. Serial killer shit? Hell yeah. 

Our Revolution by Bernie Sanders
because why the fuck not

The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig
This is another one of those super popular YAs from like, a couple years back that got super popular but then nobody ever talked about the sequels so it kinda languished.

The Storm Runner by Cervantes
Look, I'm just looking at this picture just like you as, I can't be expected to remember every first name.

McGlue by Otessa Moshfegh
Short? Nice! I wish it was Eileen, though, I heard that one's FUCKED. UP. 

Looks by Madeline George

Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh
Look, this lady is one of the funniest person to ever live on this planet, and I figured I owed her this much to read her book after dying laughing at her blog for so long. 

BUG by Yolen
Jewish MG

Broken Flower by VC Andrews
I shit you not, the first chapter has the main character growing breasts at the age of seven years old. 

The Days of the French Revolution by Chris
Look, my ThriftBooks sticker covered his last name, but it's the goddam French revolution, so that should be enough.

Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven
This one got a lot of shit when it came out because the main female character once had to be lifted out of her house with a crane. So that's fun.

These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
I'm actually fairly certain the author of this book is younger than me, and that frightens me.

One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London
While this book also has a plus-size main character, as far as I know, she was never lifted out of her house with a crane.

None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney
Near-historical serial killer YA

The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas
Thriller YA

Delicate Monsters by Stephanie Kuehn
YA by a lady with a weird last name

Hello Universe by Kelly
MG where I think some kid gets chucked down a well? 

Ultimatum by KM Walton
Pretty sure this is one of those, two brothers, one is a douche, one is ~sensitive~, also their dad is a raging asshole.

The Horror at Camp New Woods by ME!
it's by ME! 


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