Forgive me if this is shitty and short, I wrote it out and then Blogspot decided to not post or save it, just delete the entire thing, so this is round two.

I found out from a Metallica Facebook post. I'd just gotten home, and was scrolling. The phrase "untimely passing of Eddie van Halen" caught my eye and I had to pause, because I couldn't believe it. Eddie van Halen--guitar god of the eighties, master of his instrument and his craft, and purveyor of some of the most entertaining and fun records of his time. 

I don't remember who said it, but I saw a Tweet that was something along the lines of: yeah, he was a virtuoso, and that's impressive enough on its own. But as rare as it is to be a virtuoso at something, it is even rarer to be a virtuoso whose records are so much fun. And that's true--EVH was a fantastic guitarist. More than fantastic, he was one of the greatest guitar players to ever walk this earth. But when you're listening to a Van Halen record, you're not just sitting there stroking your invisible beard and contemplating. You don't have time. It's too fun, it's too fast, it's too entertaining to sit there and stroke an invisible beard. You try and be pretentious to "Hot for Teacher" or "You Really Got Me Now" (my personal favorite). 

I feel bad for not listening to Van Halen right now, but I promised myself I could listen to my Meatloaf record tonight, and I'm finding that Meatloaf is allowing me to be emotional through its pure vibe it's got going on, it's not making me too emotional, like I feel Van Halen would. 

But I'm probably going to be listening to Van Halen by the end of the night. Probably once this record's done I'll switch. Because Eddie Van Halen was sixty-five years old, and you're telling me he's done? I mean, I knew he had cancer, everyone did, but... Bruce Dickinson beat cancer. Dave Mustaine beat cancer. And it took out EVH? Part of me still can't believe it. 

Eddie fucking van Halen.  


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