Showing posts from October, 2020
nanowrimo approachessss
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I know I talked about this about a month ago or something, but now, it's like--holy hell, NaNo's like, this weekend. I'm so glad that it starts on a Sunday, so I don't have to decide my topic at school, but can instead do so in the comfort of my own home and, maybe, get a nice chunk of it written that first day. I think what's going to suffer this time around is my reading. It's been picking up again lately--mostly this is me giving myself permission to read literally when ever I have time, and making myself stay away from my phone unless I've finished a book that day. So that's been going good, but when NaNo's on, I've gotta be doing that, obviously. One thing that is absolutely crazy to me is that this is going to be the first year in like, a while that this is my first and only first draft of the year. I've been doing like, at least four or five a year for the past few years, and this year I've been staying away... I almost started o...
another tbr stack
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All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood You guys, I cannot express how excited I am for this book. This is one of the most controversial books published in the last few years (it's the pedophilia book!), it's been compred to Lolita, , bro, I am fuckin pumped. So pumped! Fat Chance by Leslea Newman This is a book from the 90s that features a girl with an eating disorder, or something? I don't know, it looked like a fun time. Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You by Scotto Moore Not gonna lie, I threw this on the stack to keep out of the book wall because it is so damn short. But , I bought it because it sounded interesting--in the book, there's this new band on the scene that like... hypnotizes people? I am not sure what this book is about, to be completely honest, but if a book involves music I am probably going to be there. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess This is a re-read, but this is also one of my favorite books of all time, so I am so very ex...
on the subject of book covers
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So, I'm gearing up to publish three more books soon, probably in the next few months, and then the question comes of the covers. I'm self-publishing, so, for covers, the choice is really between making some shitty cover on the Amazon Cover Creator, or paying someone else to do it. Between the five that I've published so far, three have been Amazon cover creator, and two made by other people. The difference is as follows: AMAZON-- To be honest, I don't hate the Columbiner cover. I think it actually turned out decent, considering. It's a little mysterious and a little dark and, considering it's about a school shooting, not bad. OUTSIDE CREATION: Also, I didn't actually pay for the SKWC cover, the creator was just wanting to expand their portfolio and was looking for people who needed book covers. When I publish subsequent books in the series, though, you best believe I'll be going back to that cover artist. Cover artists for the ones above, by the way: Z...
and winter
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As I'm typing this, I'm looking forward to a five-day weekend. Technically, it's a four-day weekend, but I have to get my new car fixed because the g'd security system decided that I'm stealing it and will not start (props to the junior that correctly guessed that it was an early-2000s Ford when I mentioned this in class), so I'm taking tomorrow off. Today we had snow. Friday, AKA, my last day with the Grand Marquis god damn it (props to the dude who bought the Grand Marquis today, now I am 800$ richer with that car completely gone from my life), we had snow. Thursday--oh man, are we supposed to get snow . Here's my thing--I figure that this will not last long. After next week, man, we're going up to record highs until November, at least if we want to listen to our extended forecast. And I like to be optimistic (currently, while my Expedition is not wanting to start, I am driving an early-2000s Prius, so, not the optimal winter car), so I'm going ...
Writing Tracker Oct 3-Oct 13
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So, I decided to use DIYMFA's writing tracker for ten days... and this is how it turned out. This is what my writing looks like in a ten day spread. Date Environment Words Time How It Felt October 3, 2020 Home Office ~3000 7:09-9:01 Working on revising AB #2—it amazes me how gory I got for a class project. Still, this is a fun project and I do enjoy seeing Matt in a situation where he is not the villain. October 3, 2020 Home Office 122 9:20-9:26 Journaling—something I do every night and very rarely think about as writing, but I guess it is, huh. October 4, 2020 Home Office n/a 11:17-11:24 Outlining SKWC #2—this is going to be an interesting one to rewrite. I’m not sure how… actually good this is? I really enjoy how the series turns out as a whole but MORPH SUIT MURDERER is by...