goodbye pizza corner

I have two shifts left at the pizza place I've been working at for the last near-ten months (an easy way to remember how long I've been working there: two months in, I started dating Steven), and while I am just absolutely jazzed to be not working there anymore... I'm gonna miss people.

Oh, don't get me wrong: it's been crazy fucking busy, apart from last night, which was crazy fucking not busy, and it's a harsh whiplash from 'no dine-ins' to 'dine-ins are okay again but we get maybe three groups a night' to 'uh-oh, we're out of seating, this hasn't happened since Customer Appreciation Month.' But I do really enjoy my coworkers.

Last week, most of them went to go take a picture with an old employee who is currently not doing great health-wise, and we all got a copy with our checks this week. I wasn't in the picture--I had a lot of 'prepare-for-rest-of-life' stuff going on that day, and I couldn't make it. So now I've got a picture of most of them, a nice picture, and I'm glad that Pizza Dave gave everyone a copy even if we weren't in the picture itself, because I am going to miss these people. I'm a little sad that I couldn't make it, even though I never worked with this former employee. It would have, I think, been a little nice to have been more of a part of that history than having my name at the bottom next to 'Not Pictured.'

It's a weird dichotomy, I think, because at the bottom of my journal entry each night I have a 'SHIFTS LEFT' counter-downer, and I spent all of last night dancing around about it being my last free pop Monday. But I mean--I'm sure I would've gotten the same situation if I'd been more outgoing at the other food service jobs I'd had, but I have met the most interesting people at Pizza Corner. I like these people, I really do. And I mean--me and Steven have a year left in this town, and he still works there, so it's not like I'll never see any of them again. It's just going to be weird. Because in the coming months I need to just set a schedule of myself for preparing for the fall, because I do Not have a degree and I am getting an Alternate License but I have No Clue How To Do This--

But we don't have to think about that until  Friday.


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