goodbye 22

Well, it's my 23rd birthday today.

22 was... a weird one. It was my first year moved out, supporting myself; it started out with me determined to power through as a 9-1-1 dispatcher (which lasted... a month and a half of 22), and ended with me working at a local pizza place. It's my last day there today.

22 I got my first real boyfriend (90s Jacob, you only semi-count), and he moved in. 22 I self-published something I've been writing and rewriting since about 14, and 22 I bought two cars, total. 22 was not bad.

The thing about being incredibly shy throughout your formative  years is that, once you get over that bullshit, every year gets better. I'm looking forward to new things at 23:

  • I'm going to start teaching this fall? Say hello to your new high school English teacher, kids.
  • I'm self-publishing two books: October 13th is Serial Killers with Cookies and February 13th is Circus Wings
  • I'm going to continue dating Steven if I have anything to say about it, and by this time next year, we may very well be in a new apartment, in a different city. Technically this is 'our' apartment right now, we're both on the lease, but it was him moving in. The next one will be the first one that we pick and move into together. 
So those are the main things. But I should know better than to really Plan how things go at this point, because my way of living is just bouncing around with no Plan whatsoever and everything just kind of turning out okay. 


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