the end of an era

The other day, I finished the last draft I'm ever fucking doing of the very first full-length novel I ever wrote. I wrote the first draft of this thing in 2011, I was fourteen years old, I wrote and rewrote and revised and eventually, this year, I was like: okay, I'm rewriting it one more time, running through it, and then I'm done.

Granted, this is the first book in a series and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my grubby little hands off of the rest of the series, but like--this first one, that's it. I'm considering self-pubbing, because this is not one that I'm thinking is good for like, traditional publishing, it's super self-indulgent, but I'd like people to read it, because I'd like to--share, you know?

But I'm done rewriting it. What's written there is set in stone. Which is fun, because this is a project that has changed... a lot. We've added characters that are actually extremely important but didn't show up until four drafts in, one character made an extreme whiplash from 'maybe a love interest?' to 'no, definitely he is a villain, and we know this from the start', the story's gotten bigger, side characters have gotten more fleshed out, main characters are a little less of a bitch, Sam. 

But it's done. It's kind of bittersweet, honestly, that this bitch is completely, utterly, done. I mean, if I do decide to self-publish I won't be entirely done thinking about it, but I'm not planning on any more rewrites, or revisions, ever--this is the shit I've been calling my 'pet project', because it's something that I wrote the first draft of when I was fourteen and really just smashes together everything I wanted in a book. Now I spread that shit out, you know.

Basically, if I'd been into the West Memphis Three when writing this one the first time around, there would have been a subplot with a similar situation, but since I didn't get into that until like, a year ago, I just have an entirely different book for that one, so, it's all good.

But I guess... this means... we can finally start working again on...

Different books in the pet project series because I was fourteen so it's definitely a massive series?

Sounds good, man.


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