i work pizza

I've mentioned this before, on a lot of platforms--I work at a pizza place. I make 11$/hr, I am not using my degree for what pays my bills, because yes, I do have a degree, and yeah, it's in English, I know, I know, I know. 

And so the reason I don't mind this.

Two reasons, maybe three--the really easy one is that it does pay my bills. Like I've mentioned before, I live in a part of the country that is very cheap to live in. It costs me 700$ to live a month, roughly. That's two paychecks. Chuck another paycheck toward student loans and I've still got one to play with or save or whatever the hell I want to do with it.

Reason two is that I know I'm not going to stagnate here, because I've already told myself I'm not going to be in this city forever. I'm gonna be either out of here by May 2021 or if I'm not, I'm gonna be looking at getting out then. I've told this to myself and so I'm going to do it. If I tell myself I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it, whether that's 'god damn it you said you were going to write 15k tonight aurora and now you have to', or 'you said you'd move out when you graduated college, you move out, you've got the funds and you already quit your job because you said you'd do that too.'

Reason three is it gives me time and energy to write. The good thing about pizza is that when I'm not there it doesn't really matter to me beyond, I could order employee discounted pizza right now if I wanted to. We don't open early and so my mornings are pretty free. I rarely work overtime, so I've got plenty of time to write throughout the week. Also, I'm an extrovert, so being around people all day, even customers, doesn't exhaust me. And writing's the main thing, here--there's no point to anything if I'm not creating anything, and so something that pays the bills that I don't really care all that much about is pretty much perfect. I don't know what I'll be doing come 2025, or even 2022, but if nothing else, I'll come out of this being able to cut pizza really fucking fast.


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