stop giving me disposable income

So I just got my second tattoo today.

If you remember, I got my first tattoo July 3rd, so like, it's been twenty days. But last week I found a tattoo place, I set up an appointment, and today I went down and got it. I like her. She's beautiful. No picture right now because she's fresh and still leaking, but I got me a Lady Justice, which means that I can't say my Misfits tattoo is 'my music tattoo' because my second tattoo is also a music tattoo now, so, woops.

But I really fucking like getting tattoos.

While I was in there, the main artist was doing mine, and his apprentice was doing some small walk-in tattoos on some girls who were maybe a little older than me. They used the phrase "white girl tattoos" themselves, so even though I too am but a white girl, I'm going to use the phrase--they were getting little white girl tattoos. And my Lady Justice hurt, especially at some points; my first was a fill-in and had some really limited line-art, but my Lady Justice is a lot more detailed, and it dipped into the sensitive skin on the inside of my arm, but I was just kind of sitting there. I mean, playing with a cord dangling off of my skirt, talking to the guy as he worked. The girls were very talkative, kind of nervous-talkative (the more talkative one was on her first tattoo, so that could've been it), and as it was all going down, the more talkative one, who was currently getting hers done, looked over at me and was like,

"And she's getting this huge arm tattoo and just sitting there! Like, you have badass status right now."

It's not too big. Kind of long, I guess, but narrow. Bled a lot more than my Misfits one did. And I think I'm pretty hooked, so, there's that. I feel like tattoos are going to be more of a summer thing, though, considering my town doesn't have a tattoo place and North Dakota winters are a bitch; the place I went to for my Lady Justice I like more than the place I went to for my Misfits (and it's, um, cheaper, which may be one of the big reasons why I like it more), but it's also like, two hours away, which is maybe not a good thing to put on the boy too frequently. And anyway, I do like the idea of going to a fuckton of different places. I do have more ideas floating around.

Stay tuned, I guess.


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