concerts north dakota and fear

I've only been to one concert. It was on my nineteenth birthday. Three Days Grace was at the Red River Valley Fair in Fargo. Starset opened. This is post-Gontier-leaving, because that was... 20...16...?

So I've only been to one concert.

I have blamed the fact that I live in rural North Dakota and, to be fair, there are less bands that aren't country/Christian/et cetera going on here. Like there is less of it. It happens, though, good bands fucking come around. And I guess I can excuse myself in high school, because nobody would have wanted to go to any of the shows that I would have wanted to go to, and also I didn't have my license until I was seventeen, so there was no way I could drive, and also I was a sheltered child.

I don't know if my parents did this on purpose. I don't know if it was 'they're overbearing' or if it was 'they're just kind of isolated and we're all kind of isolated and why don't you just read a book.' Either way, whatever the hell the cause, I'm now almost-22 and having to both willpower my way through any sort of anxious feelings about shit I've never done before, which is a lot more than a lot of other people my age, and also chasing the fucking adrenaline that comes from willpowering my way through the anxious feelings.

It's kind of a rule I've made for myself that, within reason, like I'm not gonna jump off of the train tracks probably, if something scares me, I gotta go do it. And I guess I've never had the feeling like I would really like to go and jump off the train tracks, but it's more of a, if I have a desire to do something but it scares me then I gotta fucking do it. Because most of the time when something scares me it's something stupid or it's actually just awkwardness and honestly what is the worst that is gonna fucking happen.

So the Red River Valley Fair's this week again.

Hour drive. I did drive in Fargo last month, and I only got honked at twice (and once wasn't even a, 'I put people in danger' thing, so, that one barely counts). The Red River Valley Fair normally gets one rock band that I listened to in high school.

So Friday Theory of a Deadman's gonna be there.

And if I wanna go to fucking SLAYER in November (because??? they're coming to Fargo??? on their final tour??? they're my least favorite of the big 4 but it's still fucking slayer) I should fucking practice driving in Fargo.


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