currently reading

 a quick update on what i am currently reading and how i'm feeling

the music of what happens - bill koningsberg (11/338)

only one chapter in but it is cute so far. this will be a quick read. 

court of wanderers - rin chupeco (11/435)

tbh, i remember LIKING silver under nightfall, but i do not remember ANYTHING that happened in silver under nightfall. so. we'll see how this goes. 

the museum of horrors  - dennis etchison (5/374)

BUNCH of horror short stories. so far i have only read the introduction. 

come out tonight  - richard laymon (0/434)

this is a re-read and i am excited to start it... i remember liking this one. the atmosphere especially. 

the nephilim, the reaper & the void - ryan kleinnschmidt (0%)

haven't started it yet. 

words of radiance - brandon sanderson (590/1087)

loooooving this. loving this so much. technically a re-read, but i still cannot believe how little college-aurora liked these books. like, this is amazing. you don't need me to tell you that brandon sanderson is amazing, but like. dude.

the house of hades  - rick riordan (299/597)

re-read. just read the nico stuff. very impactful. 

elantris - brandon sanderson (118/590)

not as good as WOR, but still decent. still a fun time. but i am less excited about it. 

dangerous attraction  - robert scott (25/255)

true crime book. it is already so convoluted. 

les miserables - victor hugo (69/908)

i mean we passed all the bishop stuff, so the plot is like, starting now. 

melissa  - taylor caldwell (13/430)

i got nothing.

the decline and fall of the roman empire  - edward gibbon (230/735)

gamely limping my way through this one. 

foodsutra  - shalabh prasad (54%) 

learning so much about food here. it's a lot sometimes. chapters are very long. but sometimes there are pictures. 


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