a new way of doing things

 My reading, I mean. 

I don't know if it's just because I haven't been especially inspired by anything I've been reading lately, but I've been reading so many books at a time. Maybe I'm missing when I taught high school and let kids do "novel studies", which meant that I read a book with them. Each one of them. Forty separate books.

God, life was good.

But I dunno. Nothing I've been reading lately has been all that good; currently my main read is The Unborn, which is about a fetus and a computer that become best buds, but honestly the book I'm reading that's captivating me the most is my current kindle read, which is still The Sunshine Court, because it takes me ten years to read anything on kindle, but...

What I've been doing is thus:

  • Monday comes. I take a book to the school. I read it throughout the day.
  • I don't take it home unless I finished it.
  • Tuesday comes. I pick out a new book. I take it to the school. I read it, plus Monday's book, throughout the day.
  • I don't take either book home unless I finish it.
  • WEdnesday comes. I pick out a new book...
  • You see how this is going.
  • Friday comes. I take home all the unfinished books. 

And so this does mean that I have a bunch of mostly finished books, and the weekends look good numbers-wise. I dunno. Maybe it'll change if I really get into a book I'm reading. I guess we'll see. 


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