the last week

 Most schools around us are starting today. The school we used to work it starts today. We have another week. 

I don't know how prepared I am. I have no idea. There was an event last night where I rushed to get folders together (because elementary teachers have folders they give to kids???) to hand them out to ten out of seventeen fifth graders I'll have this year. The funniest thing was just how much you could tell that I was a former high school teacher. All those elementary teachers had fancy cover pages with names and mine, uh. 

Masking tape with a Sharpie'd name on it?

Lol. They can draw their own. 

But I did meet ten of them. I always forget how LITTLE fifth graders are. Some of the girls are sort-of tall, but all of the boys are so small. I guess boys generally hit their growth spurt after girls do, but man. Tiny. I'll be going in this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon and Friday afternoon and Monday afternoon. 

I have shit to do. 


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