7.1.22 -- i've put out a lot of books since my last post

 So my last blog post was in January; this is, of course, not counting the videos that I post to here. I mean to post more on here, I really do, but now my video-upload schedule is even fucked and I don't really have as much organization as I used to. Possibly this could be because I'm an adult now, with adult responsibilities and a job that pays me 40k a year. 

Writing-wise, I've put out a lot of books since January. I've started the revolutionary idea of 'working on one book until it's done, and then working on the next one', and so I'm currently chewing my way through the several half-written books I've had on my hard-drive for years. I'm talking, the final draft is half-written. Currently, that's the sequel to SERIAL KILLERS WITH COOKIES. SKWC, for the uninitiated, is about a girl named Justine who is gluten intolerant and so her entire family gets killed by serial killers, and she ends up getting like, way too into vigilante justice. The sequel takes place the school year after the first and is called THE MORPH SUIT MURDERER. I do have a Goodreads page up, so if you'd like to add that, please do. 

I have published a few books since January, though. First is REWIND, which is a set of short stories that have been stewing around on my hard drive since college. My personal favorite is "The Fire Alarm." Second, I did publish the final book in the PENTALOGY OF HELL, THE SON OF PERDITION. If you haven't started reading POH yet, there are a few things: a) I promise it is not as religious as it sounds; it's me co-opting Christian mythology and b) the shitty formatting is only in the Kindle/paperback of the first book in the series. Buy 'em in hardcover! They're much prettier. Or buy them all on Kindle, because they're much cheaper, IDGAF. Just read 'em, they're all in Kindle Unlimited. I'd love to see fanart. That's my author-y dream. 

I did also publish the third AUGHTS BOYS book, RIGHT OR WRONG. Bit of a disclaimer with this series in that you do not have to read them in order, and book three actually is the first chronologically. It takes place in the fall of 2003-spring 2003. About a kid who has to wrestle with the fact that his new bff is Matt, who was a dick in the first two books. God. Hate to see it. In all seriousness, love this series. 

I will also have a creative nonfiction essay and a short story in NORTHERN NARRATIVES, which is a publication done by the Fargo Public Library. So, there will be a PDF available online, which I will provide a link to when it becomes available, and if you're in the Fargo-Moorhead area, I believe you will be able to check out a bound copy. Just a lil treat for those of us who are from the Upper Plains. By lil treat I mean I'm from North Dakota. 

That's that. Hopefully my next update does not come in half a year, and maybe one day I'll post enough that each post won't just be a writing update. Wouldn't that be the shit.


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