
Showing posts from July, 2022

TBR MASSACRE: 7.21-7.27

  BOOK WALL START:   2158 WEEKLY GOAL: 2148 Thursday, July 21 Book Read! 1 Year, 100 Pounds by Whitney Holcombe.  Do I think that what she is saying is factually true? A lot of the time, yes. She is right that if you want to lose weight, the only foolproof way is to eat less, move more. Do I also think that she really needs to like, calm down about... butter and stuff? Yeah. Butter on your toast in the morning is not going to make you 230lb again Whitney, I promise.  2157 Book Read! Haikyu!! 6 by Haruichi Furudate This is currently my favorite 'catch-up-and-read-them-all' series, but I'm gonna say this is my least favorite volume so far. That just means it's a 4-star instead of a 5-star, though. 2156   Friday, July 22   Book Received. Entries from a Hot Pink Notebook by Todd D Brown Gotta love some classic gay 90s teen fiction. The tagline on the back says, "What if Holden Caulfield were coming of age--and coming out--in the Reagan years?" so I'm sure...

My Top 9 Stephen King Books | 2020 Update


let's talk about killing my tbr

 I have always had a large TBR pile; affectionately called the "book wall" for several years, it now more resembles a "book landfill." My fiancé trips over parts of it as he walks into my office. I have a second, smaller "book wall" (this one does actually resemble a wall) for the books I've received in 2022.  Since February, Steven (aforementioned fiancé) and I have had a "bet." He can't buy pop, I can't buy books. This is less of a bet and more of a way (that finally! fucking finally! works!) to stop me from buying more books, because every time there's a good pop sale I go "pass for a pass" which means he can utilize the sale and I can buy two books. There are a few exceptions. When I put out a book, I can of course get myself a copy. That's similar to Steven, if he decided to get crafty, being able to create his own soda-pop, I guess. If I need a book for work, I can buy it. I'm a high school English teacher ...

Let's Talk Musician Memoirs


May Movie Wrap-Up | 2020


7.1.22 -- i've put out a lot of books since my last post

 So my last blog post was in January; this is, of course, not counting the videos that I post to here. I mean to post more on here, I really do, but now my video-upload schedule is even fucked and I don't really have as much organization as I used to. Possibly this could be because I'm an adult now, with adult responsibilities and a job that pays me 40k a year.  Writing-wise, I've put out a lot of books since January. I've started the revolutionary idea of 'working on one book until it's done, and then working on the next one', and so I'm currently chewing my way through the several half-written books I've had on my hard-drive for years. I'm talking, the final draft is half-written. Currently, that's the sequel to SERIAL KILLERS WITH COOKIES . SKWC, for the uninitiated, is about a girl named Justine who is gluten intolerant and so her entire family gets killed by serial killers, and she ends up getting like, way too into vigilante justice. Th...