tolstoy month

 Last year, I read War and Peace. It took roughly seven thousand years to read. No. Not seven thousand. Just... an entire month. The entire month of February last year was spent trying to power my way through War and Peace, and this month, when I drew the lot of The Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy (granted, a whopping half the size of W&P at 750 pages), I was dreading it. Honestly--I knew that it was going to take me another roughly seven thousand years.

Well, okay--thirty five hundred years, because it's half the size.

But since these are novellas, it's actually been easier, because--after each novella, I just read a different book. That way I still feel productive in my reading but I'm also getting through my Tolstoy and, honestly, bonus--it's a lot easier to read Tolstoy when I get to pause and read something else every fifty pages or so. 

I'm not saying that Tolstoy's bad, because he's not. Dude had mad chops, and dude also really understood humanity. He's just a lot sometimes, and so if I can split him up with, say, Yxta Maya Murray and RL Stine, I can rest a little happier. Either way, I just finished up Master and Man today, and so I'm off to read Eat the Rich--which is told through social media posts!


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